Make better financial decisions.Argiefy helps you make better financial decisions. đ§ Claim your daily matecitos to participate in giveaways and enjoy exclusive benefits. đ¸ Check currency exchange rates from around the world. đ Find the best deals.
How it works
đą Converter Check the price of more than 20 currencies and +10 exchange rates. đł Quotas Calculate whether it is better for you to pay in cash or in installments instantly. đ Quotes Find the best price to buy and sell digital dollars in Argentina. đ Investments Do you save in pesos? Find out which interest-bearing account offers you the best rate on the market. đď¸ Promotions Find the best offers in one place. âď¸ Arbitrations Curl, puree, gap... don't miss any opportunity.
How to connect
You should access the "Matecito" page, in the right section of the application navbar. If you aren't logged in, you can do it on this page. To claim your "Matecitos", you should validate your humanity using the verification button.